Alexander de Mol van Otterloo

I studied Economics at the University of Amsterdam. After having worked for 20 years with ABN AMRO, I started in 2003 as trainer and coach at De Mol van Otterloo and partners. In 2006 I joined the Compliance department of ING Group, where I became compliance officer and a specialist in developing and performing of trainings for compliance officers.

Since 2011, I work at NN Group, where I am now able to focus on three of my ambitions: (i) training of Compliance Officers, with a focus on the integration of compliance content, – framework and soft skills; (ii) acting as facilitator for managers and risk officers when discussing work related dilemma’s; (ii) performing train-the-trainer sessions.

I am convinced risk officers could be much more effective in their work and accepted by management, if they would be able to act as true advisors or relationship managers. I am passionate to achieve this goal by giving trainings in an international non financial risk environment, having built up ample experience in Asia, Mexico and Europe in the past 10 years.
